Akemi Suimin

Meet Akemi Suimin. She is the main character of "SHUTeye." Here are some of her sprites and expressions. 

Akemi is a 9-year-old girl who’s mother has fallen victim to drug abuse and whose father is missing. Every day after school she spends time looking for him, to no avail. She’s sweet, but I won’t call her innocent. She’s naive to the reality of the world around her, for the most part.

TRIVIA (will be added to over time):

○ "Ake" means "bright" and "mi" means "beautiful" in Japanese.

○ Her design had already been made in 2014, and with the popular release of Little Misfortune, I was reluctant to keep the "little girl with black bob" look. I decided to keep her original design, and hopefully she’s unique-looking enough to stop anyone from thinking of Misfortune.

I won’t spoil it anymore but I’ll answer your questions if you have any. :) Don’t be mad if they get vague though hehe!

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